Perhaps we need to consider that “incel” is, when looked at through a lens that doesn’t merely fixate on white men, a term that includes a lot of the behavior …
Health and Health CareRace and WellnessThe COVID CrisisThe Op-Eds
Your state’s approach to ‘re-opening’ tells you whether they believe Black Lives Matter.
All across the country, we’re watching communities go through the same thing we went through here in New York, people testing positive for coronavirus disease (or COVID-19), and then the …
Health and Health CareHealth NewsSocial ConstructThe "Study" GuideThe COVID CrisisThe Op-Eds
The Empathy Gap: Coronavirus is hitting Black communities harder than anyone else. Of course it is.
It’s too easy to blame Black people’s rates of heart disease and diabetes for the high rate of COVID-19 related mortality. It’s so, so much deeper than that.
My experience with the COVID-19 disease, and why we need to take it as seriously as possible.