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Phyllo Parmesan Pizza

Okay,  okay… so I got cursed out for not posting this earlier, but I stand before you… recipe in hand… begging (Keith Sweat-style) for forgiveness. 🙂

What is phyllo dough? It is a wide, flat and very thin – almost paper thin – sheet of dough. It bakes quickly, turns a beautiful golden brown, and is extremely flaky. Biting into it gives off an amazing crunch, and the dough is a great flavor carrier. The only downfall is that it’s difficult to make from scratch, and finding it for less than $4 is a struggle. It’s a bit of a splurge (well, at least, to me) but every blue moon, I don’t mind it.

3 tbsp melted butter

10 sheets of phyllo (or filo, or fillo… whatever) dough

1/3 cup grated parmesan (I bought a small block of parm and grated it myself, so I can’t say for sure whether or not the “stuff in the shaker” will work for this one.)

1/2 tsp garlic powder

2 roma tomatoes

1 medium sized zucchini

2 tsp oregano

2 tsp basil

1/4 teaspoon of sea salt

Preheat your oven to 350 degrees. Take a large pan, and brush a litle bit of butter along the bottom of the pan. Take approximately 4 sheets of the phyllo dough (you may not be able to get only 4, and that’s okay) and lay them on the pan, all stacked on top of each other. Brush the sheets with a little butter, then sprinkle lightly with parmesan. Stack another 4 sheets of dough on top, then repeat the buttering and parm-sprinkling process. Stack your remaining sheets on top.Dust the top lightly with garlic powder.

Slice your tomatoes and your zucchini in slices as thin as you can get. The phyllo isn’t super strong, so you’ll want to be careful about putting heavy chunks on top. As you can see in the picture, my tomatoes and zucchini are sliced super thin. (If you are having trouble with slicing the tomatoes, you’ll want to invest in a large chef’s knife.)

Take your zucchini slices, and lay them however you like across the pizza dough. Lay your tomatoes on top as well. Slide your pan into the oven until the outermost parts of your phyllo dough is a nice golden brown. Take your pan out of the oven – keep the heat on – and sprinkle your remaining parmesan cheese and herbs, sprinkling your salt on last. Toss it back in the oven until all your cheese has melted – but not browned – and you’re done! Pull it out of the oven, slice up your phyllo pizza, and eat up!

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