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Weekend WTF: McDonalds Strikes Again

Now, around the world you may find the McLox (a salmon burger), Le Croque McDo (a toasted ham and cheese), the McHotDog, the spam/egg/cheese breakfast platter and the McCurry…. but right here, in America?

Meet The McLobster:

Originally, I thought it was a joke. McDonald’s isn’t exactly high brow enough to serve Lobster, now is it? I’d consider lobster to be a seafood delicacy. But I soon came to realize that it indeed was real and began shaking in my boots at the prospect of such a McFood.To be fair, the McLobster is hardly new. It’s been around for several years, but unless you live in Eastern Canada or New England, you might not be aware of the crustaceous cousin of the Filet-o-Fish. It comes and goes, much like the McRib, and the maritime treat basically represents McDonald’s take on the venerable lobster roll. The disturbing mix of lobster and bread is smothered in white “McLobster sauce”, which is some combination of mayonnaise, tartar sauce, and possibly some salad dressing. Shredded lettuce and bits of celery are also included.

And in case you’re wondering, it is real lobster meat in the sandwich. It’s actually not priced all that differently from typical lobster rolls, so don’t be too worried. Reports indicate that it’s a decent representation of the sandwich, so maybe you should go out and try a McLobster next time you’re in New England or the Maritime Provinces of Canada. And if you’re French-Canadian, be sure to ask for the McHomard instead. What’s the worst that can happen? Actually, scratch that last part, you probably don’t want to think about it too much. [source]

I don’t doubt that the sandwich contains real lobster. I just… question what else is in the sandwich. I mean, a McChicken ain’t even just chicken at McDonalds, so…. I’m sayin’.

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