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Video Vault: CBS 60 Minutes Asks, “Is Sugar Toxic?”

You already know what I have to say.

However…pay extra-special attention to around the 10:50 mark. Lots of valuable info there for an emotional eater.

I’m also highly – highly – amused by the dialogue in the sugar cane field.

Tractors in the background? Fields of green leaves? You’ve got to be kidding. THat shirt didn’t even look like it fit him, let alone like he actually went out to a store, said “Oh, this looks good” and bought it himself. Staged, staged, staged. All that staging, and couldn’t prepare any answers. Sad.

“To say that the majority of the American buying public is going to eliminate sweeteners from their diet… I don’t think… gets us there.” Of course not, if they’re all mostly addicted to it.


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