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Celeb Watch: Perez Hilton & His Brand New Body

So…the first time I saw Perez Hilton, he was in an episode of Dogs 101 on the Animal Planet.

Imagine my shock when this appeared in the NY Daily Post:

There aren’t enough emoticons and MS Paint arrows to express the buzz that Perez Hilton incited as he walked the red carpet at the NewNowNext Awards Thursday.

The 34-year-old celebrity blogger showed up to the awards show sans shirt, donning a bullet-print blazer, tight pants and a smirk while flaunting his newly fit body.

Perez, who is best known for his frumpy physique and childish commentary on celebrity photos, told the Huffington Post that his six-pack and trim figure is the result of lots of diet and exercise.

“It wasn’t quick,” he told the site. “And I worked for it! I’m STILL working for it! In fact, I’m working much harder on my fitness now than when I first started this journey.”

The blogger reports that he’s lost between 70 and 80 pounds since he first started focusing on his looks, and actually launched a fitness-focused website called FitPerez back in 2010, in addition to his regular celebrity blog.

Several news outlets have reported that Hilton may have gone under the knife to achieve his chiseled appearance, but Hilton is insistent that a tough regimen of exercise and portion control is responsible for his new looks.

“Looking good isn’t as good as FEELING good,” he told the Huffington Post. “And I feel better than ever! I hope I’m able to inspire others.” [source]

For fair reference, here’s an old photo of Perez:

What do you think?

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