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Video Vault: My Interview With @GoArmy For The #ArmyTenMiler

I am so overwhelmed with emotion right now.

The US Army’s YouTube account posted video from my experience with them in DC, everything from the workout at the expo to the actual race, and even bringing it on back home to Brooklyn’s Prospect Park to talk about it all.

There’s a point in the video where, after crossing the finish line, I crossed my hands over my heart. That was me beginning to cry – overwhelmed that I’d completed my very first race – and I dropped my hands immediately because there were people passing out water in front of us, telling us to not stop in front of the finish line. I’m pretty sure that’s the only reason I didn’t keep over and erupt into a ball of tears right then. (You can read my recap of my race experience here.)

I loved everything about #Runtober – this just reminded me that I’ve got a few more posts that I didn’t get to publish because the Hurricane threw so much of us off in the Northeast – and everything I learned in preparation for that race, but most importantly, I loved being in that kind of atmosphere where strength is not only expected of you, it’s demanded. Like I said in the clip, knowing that what I talk about resonates with people as admirable as our armed forces, lets me know I’m doing something right.

Whew. That is an amazing feeling.

If this is how I’m rounding out 2012, I can’t wait to see what 2013 looks like.

Thank you, BGG2WL family, for being who you are, and keeping this site as amazing as it is. You are all phenomenal people, and I couldn’t ask for a more epic readership.

Now, pardon me as I go do the tootsie roll across the city. And, if you happen to actually catch me in the act… just high-five me as I tootsie-roll past you.

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