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Video Vault: Clips From Olympic Medalist Gabrielle Douglas’ Appearance On Oprah

While I was sleeping (figuratively speaking), Miss “Gabulous” covered Jet Magazine!

Last night, Gabrielle “Gabby” Douglas let Oprah [and all those cameras] into her home, and into her life. I missed the showing itself, but luckily for me (and anyone like me) the OWN network has a pretty active YouTube account and website. (Oh, and speaking of YouTube accounts…)

Douglas speaks on a number of things, including something that lots of people seemed to pick up on from clips of the team’s behavior during the Olympic finals:

Can’t say I’m surprised.

Cheers to Miss Douglas being an ordinary teenager who has extraordinary talents. She makes me excited to see what kinds of amazing things I can cultivate in my own children. Now, pardon me while I go paint some inspirational words on my Kyli’s ceiling and walls.

Did you see the interview? What did you think? What stood out to you?

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