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Cucumber Dill Spread

This is easily the quickest and easiest spread you’ll ever make in your life. It’s also extremely yummy.

No, really. There’s also a red pepper variation I’ll be posting later on… but for now…

1 large cucumber

8oz fage yogurt (it’s 0 fat, but not because of chemicals to my knowledge – just skim milk, so its okay)

8oz cream cheese

approx 1tbsp dill weed

You’ll take your cucumber and peel it using a vegetable peeler. To demonstrate the procedure…

From here, after you do your dicing, you’ll want to scoop your yogurt and your cream cheese into a bowl. Drop in your cucumber, and get to whipping!

From here, add in your dill weed by the shakeful – two shakes, stir and taste. I add a lot, mainly because I like the taste.

Be sure to whip it until you can’t whip it anymore… and you’ll be good! Ta-da! Use it on sandwiches in place of mayo, or just scoop it up like egg salad, on a couple pieces of bread… or a tortilla! A bagel? It’s up to you! Enjoy!

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