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Q&A Wednesday: I Work In Fast Food And Want To Lose Weight! Help!

Don’t get me wrong, here – I most certainly don’t have all the answers… but it’s very rare that a loudmouth like me will have no answer…

Q: hi erika i love your blog but i have a question i work in the fast food industry(mcdonald’s) please don’t roll your eyes. lol! and i am a manager there i am 26 years old 4’11 and about 280 pounds so i know i am extremely overweight . i get ALL my meals free when i’m workin and i find it incredible hard to resist the food. i know to resist temptation i should not have it around me but this is my job for right now i have been employed for six years and make a good amount of money to provide for my household. what are some things i can do to start my weight loss journey? anything words you can offer would help. thanks in advance:)

I’m not even going to give the answer I want to give. I’m just going to remind myself that we live in a recession.

What I do have to contribute is whether or not you find it “hard to resist” the food because you’re literally only eating that hyper-processed and nutrient-devoid food, or if you’re stress eating because the restaurant industry is stressful and fast-paced. If you’re stress-eating simply because you’re on the job, and the fries and sweet bun are giving you a temporary release, then finding a more acceptable coping mechanism will help you cut the calories immensely.

Remind yourself that people choose to refuse the food from the restaurant they work at every day, and it’s time for you to start turning into one of them.

If it’s a money issue – subsisting on free food instead of stuff you have to pay for – then it’s a matter of priorities. The point where your [and your household’s] health start to matter more than the most frivolous thing on your priority list is the point where you’ll start carving space in your budget for the fresh (or frozen) stuff. And until you get to that point, make it happen with those salads, girl. We all know they’re there. We saw ’em in commercials where they tried to lure us veggie lovers in. Eat those instead of the fries and the McWhoppers.

That being said, I’m turning this over to y’all. There are brilliant folks who hang out in the comments section who are handling situations like this every day, and we all could stand to benefit from how you make it happen. Who’s going to help our girl out with some advice, here?

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