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Basmati Stir Fry

I was never a big rice eater, but in paring down what I keep in the house, I did decide to venture out into trying different kinds of rice. I do have a recipe for “barbecue rice” that I’ll be posting later this week… but in my quest to post a recipe a day from now on, I’ll start with the Basmati Stir Fry.

In one pot, get the rice going as according to the package. In a skillet, pour 1tbsp of your sesame oil in, let it heat up a bit, then start tossing in your veggies one by one. Hopefully by the time all of your veggies are in the skillet and heated up (you don’t want the veggies to lose their color or crunch, but you want them to be heated well), your rice is done. Once it’s finished, go ahead and toss it in the skillet. Shake your seasonings over the skillet, and pour in the last of your sesame oil. Stir it very well a few times, and you’re good!

I’m not even going to tell you how few calories this skillet is. Just know that it’s a great dinner for those who are learning to indulge less. Because not only do I promise you won’t be able to eat as much as you usually do, but it’s maybe a third of the amount of calories that you’re used to eating. 🙂

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