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Clean Eating Boot Camp: “In Praise of Chocolate” Step 15

Note: You can sign up for the Clean Eating Boot Camp here, completely free!

I’m feeling generous this week, y’all. Just hang tight.

Last week, I had the pleasure of visiting Amherst College to speak on health, fitness, how I did what I’d done for myself, and how those college students could, as well. I mean, I was really pleased with everything and quite proud of myself – more on that later – but I also realize that it wasn’t that long ago that I used to despise the thought of public speaking. So, my appearance at Amherst really showed me how much I’ve grown over the course of time.

Also, last week, I asked you guys what it means to have “fallen off.” In came the stories of how, after one slip up, folks just gave up. But… there’s something magical happening in these comments:

I’ve found that I “fall off” in the middle of the week. It seems that the first gym day I miss is hard to get back on track. Also, my challenge is that my mom is a baker and some of the deserts are made at our home where she also tends to make extra. I guess I have to stop being a weak link and clear my mind!

I’ve kinda fell off, kinda haven’t. I keep on starting/stopping with my food diary, but on the days when I eat unhealthy food after unhealthy food, I realize that it would be helpful to notice exactly what pattern I am playing out. I finally got a new job, so I will be out of this pizza joint very soon (MUCH less temptation going on in my life).

Comment after comment comes complete with people admitting where they’ve gone wrong, but it’s coupled with what you need to do in order to fix it!

This isn’t falling off; it’s simply progress.

The point of the boot camp isn’t for you to execute every step cold turkey. It’s about identifying what’s ideal, and finding ways to get as close as possible to that in your daily life. If you struggle with not going to restaurants because you love hanging out with your girls, then why not suggest more fitness-focused events for fun, or maybe even just something that isn’t centered around food? Find what looks and feels best for you, and then find ways to start moving your life in a direction closest to that ideal. Make decisions that get you closer to that ideal, and accept the fact that it won’t be easy to make that decision every time… and it might hurt sometimes… and you might fail sometimes… but that’s not falling off. If anything, those are growing pains. I had to grow into being a better public speaker, you have to grow as well.

I feel like the boot camp has been a lot of hard work, a lot of risky business… let’s take a little load off this week.

Find a local bakery or cupcakery, local homemade candy shop, a homemade recipe with clean ingredients and that isn’t so sweet that there’s no flavor and all sugar…. let’s talk sweets and snacks.

Find a location that offers clean, fresh-baked/fresh-made sweet treats, and buy one – one. Limit yourself. Make it a ritual. Sit down, turn off the TV, make sure the kids/dogs/boo-thang/cats/birds are all out of the way, and sit your sweet treat in front of you. Un wrap it slowly, break a part a small piece, and taste it. Make this the most mindful and deliberate indulgence you’ve ever had in your life. Eat as much of it as makes sense to you – yes, think about it before you eat it – and then put the rest away.

Compare this experience to your “chips on the couch” or “junk food in the car” experience. How are they similar? How do they differ?

For previous steps to the boot camp, check here.

Wondering how sweets fit into clean eating? Start here. And work your way here.

If your town isn’t blessed with a sweets supplier dedicated to clean, chemical-free sweet treats, then feel free to borrow one of my favorites, where you can place an order online. Thy may – or may not – make an appearance on the blog soon. Feels like it might be time to talk chocolate.

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