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Welcome to the third anniversary of #ScaleFreeSummer!
I originally intended to have this up and running this past Sunday, but I – as were many others – was caught off guard a bit by the events that transpired last week. And, as much as I felt helpless, I also wanted to do something. And, quite honestly, it didn’t feel right to just get on and go back to selling stuff and blogging as usual.
That being said, I think I figured out a way for us all to contribute a bit and feel good about trying to move forward in a healthier way.
Let me back up a bit.
If you’re a reader of my weekly newsletter, you’ll know that I’ve been talking about my very first training plan and nutrition guide for weeks, now. And, it means a lot to me to have finally been able to make it a reality – while 8 months pregnant, no less – so that I can help people get a little bit closer to having a season dedicated to the tenets of healthy living, instead of a season of being dedicated to seeing the scale move.
There are a thousand ways to “make the scale move” – are they all healthy?
My method is, and can actually guarantee progress. In fact, my method will help you better understand what progress is, and how to appreciate it – with and without the scale.
Get the guide today: ScaleFreeSummer: Your 90 Day Training and Nutrition Guide for Becoming a Healthier You!
Here’s the table of contents, outlining exactly what you’ll get:
Get the guide today: ScaleFreeSummer: Your 90 Day Training and Nutrition Guide for Becoming a Healthier You!
And, because I didn’t actually even own a scale until 2014, I’d unintentionally been on the #ScaleFreeSummer protocol for years.
Get the guide today: ScaleFreeSummer: Your 90 Day Training and Nutrition Guide for Becoming a Healthier You!
But whew, were those years good to me. And, as soon as I give birth to #babysprout, I’ll be looking forward to going right back to my old training routine, which is clearly outlined here in my guide, where I’ll be losing the weight again.
Within reason, of course. Baby and all.
The guide is $25.99 USD. It provides a 90 day training plan – created by a certified and well-educated fitness professional – that does not require a gym membership to complete, complete with a bird’s eye view of how I eat, and my training philosophies. It also includes insight into the ScaleFree protocol, and what it means to simply live healthily, sans scale.
Everything you need is right here.
And – $5 USD from each purchase for the months of June and July 2015 will go directly to the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, SC, USA to help the church affected by the tragedies that took place there. (More information on that donation process can be viewed here.) ($735 was raised altogether!)
So, tell me – are you ready to have a #ScaleFreeSummer?
Let’s do this!