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Weekend WTF: The Supa Dupa Fly Ho With Cheese

So, uhh…’s the story:

WACO, Texas – You can get hot, juicy burgers with crispy tots or fries at a new restaurant in Waco, Texas. But it’s not the food that’s getting the attention at Fat Ho Burgers.

That’s right. The restaurant is named after a fat (as in hefty) ho (not the garden tool).

“It’s not calling people a ho. It’s just like they say, ‘Oooh that ho is big,’ or, ‘That ho is tight!’” said Lakita Evans, the restaurant’s owner.

The 23-year-old worked her way through college to open her burger joint and said the name is mostly a bit of humor in an otherwise serious world.

“Look what’s going on in Japan. It’s like clear this world is not gonna get any better. Why cry and be depressed? The economy is bad. Somebody gotta keep a sense of humor around here,” Evans said.

For now, that means grilled favorites including the Sloppy Ho Brisket or the Supa Dupa Fly Ho with Chz for a lunch crowd that’s spilling out of the front door.

But not everybody’s laughing.

One of Fat Ho Burgers’ closest neighbors is the Gospel Café. Folks at the volunteer-run religious café and bookstore wish the burger joint was a little more “holy.”

“Would’ve been nice to think a little more sensitively,” said Pastor Marsha Martie.

Let me just say… as someone who started her first business at age 22, I am impressed. Starting a business as advanced as a restaurant at that age is… highly impressive.

And have you seen the menu?

Her dollar menu? It includes a Tiny Fat Ho.

There are also Tiny Ho Meals – which include corn dogs and chicken nuggets, so I assume the kids can come be tiny hos at Fat Ho Burgers.

As much as I want to crack jokes about being able to hopefully have a “Clean Ho” someday… all I’m gonna say is I hope her ingredients are quality, or that she has plans to step ’em up if they’re not. I know one of y’all knows her. Put a bug in Lakita’s ear. If she’s gonna be sellin’ Sloppy Hos, they can at least be Quality Hos, too.

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