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Weekend WTF: I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter!

So… imagine me rambling through someone else’s fridge looking for the butter they’d asked me to acquire. There, I see my old time friend, Country Crock.

“Awww, dang – my Mother uses this!”

And as I’m standing up to hand it over… I realize that it doesn’t… say butter anywhere – anywhere – on the front label.

I turn it to the side and check out the ingredient list. Y’know.. because I love disappointing myself.

I just… didn’t know that the “butter” I ate for 4387498345 years was not, in fact, butter. Hell, I thought “spread” was just a cute descriptor for the butter because it was so spreadable! Yeah… not so much.

A few days later at the grocery store, I noticed that not only does the tub of “vegetable oil spread” say “spread,” but the sticks of “butter” say “spreadable sticks,” as well!

That joint is margarine. Not butter. That’s why there’s “no cholesterol.” Cholesterol is in all animal by-products.

If you knew that already, awesome – but for someone like me who grew up not thinking twice about the brands they ate as a kid? You might have had a WTF? moment just like me. Shoot, you’d be better off buying this stuff:

…at least they’re up-front about their dirt. Jeez.

PS: Please don’t buy that stuff. Blech. Real butter, thanks.




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