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Weekend WTF: Hidden Pork On Your Fork?

So… I’m going through the grocery store, when I decide to pick my daughter up some chicken sausages. This should be easy, right?

Not so much.

I head over to the section with the hot dogs and sausages… and I see the chicken sausages. This should be easy, right?

Not so much.

I grab the first one I see. I look at the front and see all “the right words.”

“No gluten, no MSG, made with chicken raised without hormones,” it says.

This should be easy, right? Not so much.

I give the back label a quick glance… and I see all the right numbers.

But wait – do you see what I see?

Let’s get a close-up.

In case you can’t see that.. it says “in a pork casing.”

In fact… all of them were either “in a pork casing” or “in a collagen casing.” That might not’ve been a WTF?! moment for you… but it definitely was for me, as someone who does not have pork in her household. We might’ve talked about this “hidden pork” issue when we talked about turkey bacon… but in other products that we expect to be all-poultry?

I don’t love that.

I did eventually find my all chicken sausages… and I bought them just because I was so eager to get them for her and was so angry that they had pork in them…

…but that price? Good grief.

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