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Weekend WTF: Chicken In A Can?

I… I give up. I’m not even going to try… I just.. in advance, I give up.

I’m not entirely sure if I can even say anything about this or how one… I don’t know… I’m just gonna roll that beautiful chicken footage, I guess. Hope you’re not eating.

Now, Tracy was gracious enough to share with us her experience of purchasing – and cooking – this incredible, incredible product… that has easily – easily – ruined my appetite this morning.

You’ve got to read her post on it, though… it’s amazing. There are incredible quotes like “I initially wanted to pull out the chicken and reserve the broth in the can, but the bones were too wiggly, so I had to pour it out.” and “Realized I did not in fact want to keep [the goo] and tossed it down the garbage disposal. I did taste it (the broth part, not the fat globs and mystery bits) with my finger and it was very weak like somebody had just dunked a chicken in some water.

That is… epic.

I can’t say for sure whether or not this product is still being sold, but it doesn’t matter. Thanks to the Internet… the lore of Chicken in a Can will live on.

Probably not as long as the chicken inside, though. Just sayin’.

Thanks to Sakyie for ruining my appetite! Got something else that belongs on Weekend WTF? Send it to!

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