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BGG2WL on Video: Ask Erika: How Do I Stop My Spiral of Sugary Sabotage?

I’m still taking your questions and answering them on YouTube, y’all! Listen to what I told “J,” who shared her sugary struggles with me here:

I have a question for you. Or a series of question. I have sometimes this “I surrender all” attitude when it comes to slipping up. I know I shouldn’t have any sugar at all. I’m a serious addict. I will go for months at a time and then slip up in a little way and then my attitude is just “hands in the air, again, I surrender all.” How do I talk some sense into these moments? I struggle a lot when people look to me for too much advice. People will ask me questions on what they should or shouldn’t eat, how they should or shouldn’t work out. I point them to other websites and continue to tell these folks that I’m not a nutritionist or a trainer…but for some reason hearing those questions makes me feel like i’m a fraud and then it puts me into a weird sabotage spiral as well. Is that weird? I think I asked at least one question…how do I stop my slippery slope sabotage surrender?

If you can’t see the video, you can check out on YouTube here.

What do you think? Have you experienced the same?

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