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Fit Chick Watch: @SanyaRichiRoss Covers @WomensRunning, Shares Her “Olympic Regimen”

Look at this gorgeous chunk of Olympic-gold-winning awesome on the cover of this mag:



I am in love. Love, I tell you! And the interview is gold, no pun intended. A few of my favorite quotes:

Q: You’ve said being an athlete doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice your beauty as a woman. What do you mean by that?

A: Growing up, I always felt that in order to be taken seriously as an athlete, I had to be a tomboy. It was like, there were the pretty girls and then there were the athletes. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve felt like that’s not true. If you are a female who likes to get your nails done and your hair done, that doesn’t mean you can’t be a great athlete! And so, I’ve just embraced that part of my personality. I put my makeup on before I go out to run and I feel good, look good, run good – that’s kind of my mantra.

Yaaaaaaas, honey. Tell it. (Can you tell I am totally fan-girling it up over here?!) She goes on to share a little bit of her makeup routine for when she works out, but you’ll have to snag the mag for that.

Mrs. Richards-Ross shares some elements of her workout regimen with the class:

“I’m on the track for about two hours a day and then in the weight room for another two hours. Then I do about 30 minutes of ab work.”

“My ideal meal is grilled chicken breast with a baked potato to get some protein and a little bit of carbs.”

(Ugh, I despise chicken breast. But, anyway….)

Want workout tips? She’s got a crazy one:

“Add 100 to 200 repetitions of abdominal and lower back exercises to your workout. That may sound like a lot, but just a few sets of 10 will get you there in no time!”

Someone tell her I love her and, if she’s ever in Brooklyn, I’d totally let her lap me a few times around Prospect Park, while I pretend I’m “keeping up.”

Richards-Ross’ show, Glam and Gold, just started a week or so ago, no? Who’s watching? How is it?

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