Alright, family, I’ve got a question for you.
Suppose I decided to host an all-new, revamped, updated version of the Clean Eating Boot Camp for 2013.
I mean, let’s face it. Everyone’s prepping for their New Year’s Resolutions, and what better way to do right by yours than with a big, helpful community of folks all wanting to ditch the processed life?
So, say I wanted to re-boot the boot camp. Complete with stories and news, but also teaching how to work with foods that some consider intimidating…
recipe walk-throughs…
Fall-spiced peaches, with cloves, crushed red pepper, cinnamon, and chili pepper. There might kinda sorta maybe a little be bourbon in there too… but we won’t talk about that.
an inside look of my kitchen, which is so small that I’ve got to put my kitchen appliances in my bedroom (did I just admit that out loud? Whatever.)…
and even nightly shares of what we’re eating for dinner? I mean, I already share the details on Instagram, why not here, too?
Because recipes are a pain to write out. That’s why. But for you, and only you, I’m willing to give it a shot.
After having said all that, I wanna know. If I re-boot the boot camp, what do y’all want to see? What would you like to learn? What kinds of dishes do you want to learn how to cook? I mean, it could be as fancy as lobster bisque, or as old school as tater tots (and, if you want to learn how to make tater tots from scratch, don’t be ashamed to admit it. I just learned yesterday, and I’m low-key giddy about it.) It could be as bourgie as you want, as simplified as you like, we can re-make and revitalize soul food (just wait until you see February!) dishes, it can be whatever. If you don’t understand braising, blanching or brining, speak up. If you’re scared of every cheese that isn’t in a little yellow wrapper, tell me why! If you’re afraid to make your own macaroni and cheese without a certain block of processed cheese product, then speak on it. If you don’t think you have longer than 10 minutes to microwave your dinner, let me know! Want to go vegan, but don’t know how? Tell me. (That’s right. We’re versatile in this household.) No question is a stupid question, no one’s circumstances will be mocked, and no idea will be ridiculed. Any question you’ve ever had about learning how to cook – a cornerstone of clean eating – feel free to ask it now.
I always felt like this was the one thing missing from the boot camp, and now that I’ve spent some time working on my photography and cooking skills, I’m more comfy with sharing.
Also, I have a huge surprise for y’all, going into 2013, so I can only promise you: you’ll want to be on board when the Boot Camp starts. I swear it.
That is, if I decide to re-start it, of course… but I can’t do it without you!
So, talk to me. What are your biggest concerns, challenges and reservations about going processed-free? What can we discuss, here, to make it easier for you? Is all of this too “fancy” for you? Then, what do you like? What do you want to see?