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Clean Eating Boot Camp: Step Two

By now, you’ve hopefully experienced some success with the first step of the Clean Eating Boot Camp, which was to drink two glasses – a total of 16oz – of water before you drank any caloric beverage. If you still wanted it after two glasses of water, then have it… but you had to drink the two glasses, first.

The boot camp got derailed by the attention from and Huffington Post, and anyone can jump on board as they wish, but we’re getting back on track this week.

This week’s missive is no fast food. It sounds simple, but what does that mean? It means you have to plan. If that means you’ve got to buy TV dinners, then buy them, but you have to plan. You also have to drive past the fast food restaurant you stop at every day after work because you know you’ve already got food at home. This means you’ll have to turn down those McIn-N-Hardaburgers fast food visits for lunch.

This week’s step will help you plan in advance for your eating habits, but won’t be too much of a time-suck, just yet.

How are you faring so far? Don’t forget, there’s no such thing as “falling off the wagon” – you dust yourself off and get back up!

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