Site icon A Black Girl's Guide To Weight Loss

Housekeeping Note

I have lots of awesome news for y’all. Lots.

Well, sort of not so awesome news for me, so to speak, but something good is coming out of it.

I’m going to preliminarily roll out the re-design of BGG2WL… but I’m doing it without my computers, the most important of these has imploded on me.

I anticipated this – it was sputtering on me last week – which is why I had to halt a couple of things I had planned for last week (the next step of the Boot Camp, included)… but today, my baby left me. Sad face.

I’m not going to dwell on the fact that I have to grieve over Ol’ Faithful. I am, however, changing a lot of the formatting of the blog and hope that you’ll stick around to support it.

What does this mean? More NEW daily posts. More food news. More about me as a person. More fitness. More fun, dang it.

That being said, bare with me. I’m doing this without Ol’ Faithful, but I am going to get it done. Oh, and the next step in the boot camp is coming shortly. (And, no, it’s not “too late” to join up!)

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