Site icon A Black Girl's Guide To Weight Loss

A Very Late Pair Of Announcements

Some of you may know this already… some of you may not. Either way, I figured now’s about the right time to share this with everyone who’d care to support.

In the current issue of Essence – the one with Regina King on the cover – you will find the following:

Yes. That’s me. Talking about my journey with weight loss, wellness and this blog. Page 146 of the February 2011 issue.

I didn’t want to announce it sooner, because only their subscribers had access to the issue, and the only copy of the magazine that was on the stands was the one with Steve Harvey on the cover. Besides, I wanted to make sure that I could physically hold a copy of it in my hands and look at myself in a magazine in an almost-full-page article sharing my story with lots [and lots and lots and lots] of women (men too?) before I announced it, here.

I don’t know… maybe holding it in my hand made it feel more real? Perhaps.

And at the same time, the site was featured on Yahoo! last week, as well. (…which is why you might’ve experienced an outage and weren’t able to access the blog – there was lots of traffic coming through.)

That being said… I’m now in the process of moving the site to a new [far more expensive] hosting provider, and y’all know that I’m cheap. The advertisements on the site (as well as the “Donate!” links – one is at the end of every post) will help me to defray the costs of keeping the site up and running when we get traffic surges… because considering the amount of traffic we received, there aren’t many hosting providers who could handle it.

And since I’m here… the advertisements. I’m doing my best to keep the content of the advertisements as free of “weight loss scams” as possible. I can’t catch everything, but rest assured that I’m trying. Regardless of whatever new-fangled scam ad you see… you know they’re full of crap, right? Don’t fall for ’em. It’s that simple.

But… they are my sponsors… so please. Feel free to visit them. In both the e-mails as well as on the pages of the site.

I’m going to spend the day outlining how to simplify the growth of this site so that there’s not some monumental explosion once everything’s complete, and writing about what’s so very ridiculously wrong with this Walmart/Michelle Obama situation. In the meantime? Feel free to check out the following posts:

See y’all tomorrow – you definitely don’t want to miss Saturday’s Weekend WTF?…trust me!

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